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Rev. Fr. Paul A. Kaplanis, Dean

Fr. Paul Kaplanis, son of Anthony, (fallen asleep in the Lord) and Nitsa Kaplanis was born in Danbury, Connecticut is the youngest of three brothers.

He graduated from Western Connecticut State University in 1979, with a B.S. Degree in Social Science and History. In September 1979, he entered Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology.

On June 27, 1982, Father and Presbytera Evi (Spiliopoulou) Kaplanis were married at the Dormition Greek Orthodox Church in Danbury. In 1983, he graduated with his Master's of Divinity Degree and upon receiving the Taylor Scholarship, enrolled in the Master's Program at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

After one year, he returned to the U.S and was ordained by His Grace Bishop Philip to the Holy Diaconate at his hometown parish on October 28, 1984 and to the Holy Priesthood on November 11, 1984 at the St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Clifton, NJ. He was assigned to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church as Assistant Priest, where he served for 7 1/2 years under Fr. George Nicozisin. On August 2, 1992, he was assigned by His Grace Bishop Philip of Atlanta to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Raleigh, NC where he served for over 18 years. In February of 1993, His Grace Bishop Philip, elevated him to the Offikia (offices) of father confessor and stavroforos. On September 15, 2002, His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta elevated him to the Offikion (office) of Protopresbyter and on December 20, 2010, he was assigned as the Dean of the Annunciation Cathedral in Atlanta, GA.  On January 18, 2014, Metropolitan Alexios bestowed upon him the Offikion (office) of Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne.

Over the years, Father served on the Youth Committee of the Metropolis. He has also served on the Archdiocese Presbyter's Council where he has held the offices of secretary (2000-2008), Vice President (2018-2022), President (2022-2024) and he is currently the Advisor to the group.

He also served as the only priest representative for Greek Orthodox Archdiocese on the Charter Revision Committee (2001-02). Recently he was appointed by the Eparchial Synod to the mixed commission for the establishment of a New Charter of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

He served as the Spiritual Advisor for the Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos from 2011-2014. Presently he is a member of the Archdiocese Council and also served from 2012-2014. He has also served as the spiritual advisor for the Metropolis Family Life ministry program, a member of the Metropolis Strategic plan Committee, President of the Metropolis of Atlanta Clergy Syndesmos (2016-2021). In 2022, he was appointed by His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios as Vicar for the Central Conference. Fr. Paul also serves on two school Boards, Hellenic College/Holy Cross and the Annunciation Day School

Father’s hobbies include, playing and/or watching sports, old movies and reading.

Father and Presbytera Evi have three children, Michael, Katerina and Christina and five grandchildren, Vivi, Maximos, Eirianna, Emilia and Evie.

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Rev. Fr. Christos P. Mars, Protopresbyter

Fr. Christos Mars was born and raised in Palos Hills, Illinois a suburb of Chicago.  He grew up in the Community of S.S. Constantine and Helen under the spiritual and priestly guidance of Fr. Byron Papanikolaou of blessed memory.

Upon completion of High School, Fr. Christos attended the University of Illinois at Chicago and earned his Bachelor’s degree in English. Fr. Christos then attended Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts, where he earned his Master’s of Divinity in 2006.  From 2006-2007, Fr. Christos completed his coursework for his Master’s of Theology, with a specialty in liturgics.

While studying at the Seminary, Fr. Christos met and married Presbytera Marilisse, who is from Athens, Georgia, and was completing her undergraduate degree in Religious Studies at Hellenic College.  They married on the feast day of St. Phanourios, August 27, 2006 in the chapel of the Holy Cross there on campus in Brookline.

Fr. Christos was ordained to the Holy Diaconate on May 21, 2007 at his home parish of S.S. Constantine and Helen in Palos Hills, Illinois, and thirty three days later, was ordained to the Holy Priesthood, again at his home parish on the feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist, June 24, 2007.

Before coming to the Annunciation Cathedral in Atlanta, Fr. Christos served the parish of the Annunciation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Fr. Christos was given the Offikion (office) of Father Confessor by His Eminence Metropolitan ALEXIOS on November 14, 2010. Following that, he was given the Offikion (office) of Sakellarios by His Eminence Metropolitan ALEXIOS on November 10, 2013. His Eminence Metropolitan ALEXIOS also bestowed the Offikion (office) of Typikaris of the Metropolis of Atlanta to Fr. Christos on December 25, 2021, and finally His Eminence Metropolitan ALEXIOS bestowed the Offikion (Office) of Protopresbyter on November 13, 2022. Fr. Christos is the Vice-President of the Metropolis of Atlanta Clergy Syndesmos as well as the President of the Atlanta Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood, and Chairman of the Atlanta Inter-Orthodox Parish Association (AIOPA). He was a member of the Archdiocese National Coordinating Committee for the 200th Anniversary of Greek Independence.  He was a member of the Metropolis Council and currently chairs the Acolyte Training Committee and the Program for Continuing Education for Permanent Deacons as well as the Liturgical Text Committee for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta. He also serves as liturgical chair for many Metropolis youth events and serves on the Annunciation Day School Board.

Fr. Christos and Presbytera Marilisse love to spend time with their one son, John. They also enjoy time with other family, friends and their two dogs, Duke and Mor’du.