Annunciation Community Pascha Picnic


Annunciation Community Pascha Picnic

from $10.00

Come to the Agape Service at 11 a.m. and then enjoy the food and fellowship as we celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection.

Immediately following the Agape Service, at 11 a.m., lunch will be served until 2:30 p.m. in the Hellenic Center Atrium.

Lunch includes: Leg of Lamb, Chicken or Pork Souvlaki, Potatoes, Pastitsio, Moussaka, Salad, & Mezze! Long with Lemonade & Sodas. Wine and Beer available.

Bring the whole family! Kids can enjoy bounce house and an Easter Egg Hunt!

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How to order a ticket

  1. Select a menu choice

  2. Click “Add to Cart”

  3. Provide guest information (Name, age of child (if applicable), etc)

  4. Repeat for each guest in your party

  5. Click the Shopping Cart button at the top of your screen to checkout

If you would like to sit near or with another group, please let us know in the “Note / Additional Info” step on the checkout page